Hello! How are you! It’s Friday Night Chats time. I hope you’re happy and well and enjoying or avoiding the news cycle.
I am doing really well! Not having to do so much mahi on the newsletter has meant my time has been freed up to work on my baby Awhi Ngā Mātua. We are rebooting the website so that parents can come to it and say - I’m looking for advice on [toileting] for my child who has [Pathological Demand Avoidance] or I’m looking for advice on [getting a teacher aide] for my child who has [anxiety] or I’m looking for advice on [puberty] for my child who has [Down Syndrome] and find exactly what they’re looking for.
It means updating all of our current tips and resources and putting in new tags and new formatting and that type of thing. It’s a lot of mahi but it will be totally worth it.
While on leave, when I wasn’t doing that, I was listening to podcasts and cleaning out my closet. I found a photo of my husband and Eddie when Eddie was a baby and it immediately flashed me back to THE WORST MOMENT IN MY LIFE.