Jun 17Liked by Emily Writes

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe mo to mahi Emily. I love this piece, honest and hopeful. Just like you, really.

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You’re so kind. Thank you ❤️

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Jun 17Liked by Emily Writes

Totally agree Jae

It’s so nice to feel your presence in this community

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Jun 17Liked by Emily Writes

Love this Emily 🥰 Reminds me of the time I was despairing about my then teenage son. I felt like everything I’d done was wrong, I loved him too much, I should have been harsher etc etc I remember crying in a cafe talking to a friend 🤷🏻‍♀️

But now both my (grown up) children are awesome humans and I just had to be patient and trust myself xx

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I love this ❤️❤️ and you!

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Love you more! ❤️❤️

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Jun 17Liked by Emily Writes

Also I’ve probably already told this story, soz, I’m old! 🥴🤣

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Jun 17Liked by Emily Writes

What a beautiful read - I feel like it has everything that is really important to hear today, including that there is a place called Whittier where everyone in the city lives under one roof! xx

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Jun 17Liked by Emily Writes

Thank you Emily - found myself despairing twice today, and here you are reminding me of the cure - to stay connected & be of service. Ngā mihi for your good timing x

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❤️❤️❤️ I have to remind myself often

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Emily Writes

Such beautiful words. Thank you for sharing. I want an easy life because it's always so messy in my mind, at work, in my house, in my bank account and in my inbox, and I am always overwhelmed. It means I shut out external issues that are important to me but I can't deal with because I just feel completely overwhelmed already. You are right, though. Life is messy, and I have to learn to navigate my ADHD tendancies to make space for what matters to me- a life with meaning and community. I just don't know how to get there while keeping my head above water.

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Be kind to yourself friend. ADHD Is brutal, life is tough right now ❤️ brave looks different for everyone and just being here in the world means you’re part of the community ❤️

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Thanks, Emily.

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Jun 17Liked by Emily Writes

Kia ora mō tēnei e hoa xxx tino ātaahua.

Thank you - I needed this today.

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Jun 17Liked by Emily Writes

This is beautiful ❤️ really needed to hear this right now

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