Great reporting, Ronnie. What an interesting topic, you are so lucky to have your brilliant mum teaching you about interviews. I love all your goals for your future career too -I cant wait to come to one of your concerts, I love Queen and I have been to one of their concerts, I took my grandsons because they love Queen too. One of my boys was high energy with lots of ideas, his first ideas were to drive a garbage truck AND be a doctor (He loved our GP who fixed up all sorts of 'accidental' injuries from the pea up his nose to stitches in his head). When I asked how he would fit in both of these big jobs, he was going to get up early and do the rubbish pickup then go to his surgery and fix kids - and I would be able to have all my babies for free. I love an ideas kid!

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So gorgeous 😍😍

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Okayyyy 💕 A very long time ago I worked at maccas - and you’ve clearly identified one of the things that makes them special - and that’s the consistency! Everything is timed and there’s beepers for everything to remind you. An extra step when I worked there was that after a certain time in the deep fryer a beeper sounded for pulling the basket out and giving it a good shake then returning it into the oil. The oil was changed every week (I didn’t like that job) but it’s another way to keep the consistency going. The special French fry scooper was for right handed ppl - with the handle on the right hand side. The fries were to be gently scooped up and gently shaken into the fry bag or box, with all the long fries pointing up.

Also they were only ever to be referred to as French fries - and we even had to correct any customer that asked for ‘chips’!

Back then, the seasoning was just straight salt, not sure if it still is.

The cooked fries had to be thrown out if not served within ten minutes (if I recall correctly). There was another beeper to tell you this of course 😆

Hope Hammy enjoys this extra detail 🍟

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He will absolutely love this extra detail 🥰

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PS: a good way to ensure you get HOT maccas French fries every time would be to ask for them without salt - they have to make up a new batch to be able to do this... although if you also ask for a sachet of salt, don’t expect to be popular 😉

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Ronnie is absolutely fizzing that he got info from “McDonald’s themself!” Aka the PR team lol - he thought I should share it with anyone else whose special interest is McDonald’s fries lol

Like most of McDonald’s ingredients, the humble potato is sourced from local NZ growers and suppliers. Before they become the famous French fries we all know and love, these potatoes start their journey in the fertile soils of Canterbury. Four special varieties of potatoes are grown there and all suppliers adhere to a strict policy of zero genetic modification so it’s just 100% real, natural, NZ-grown potatoes. Once harvested, they make the short journey to the McCain’s facility in Timaru where they are washed, checked and cut before being sent to Macca’s restaurants across Aotearoa.

The secret to consistently golden fries is a natural, corn-derived dextrose solution and the tiniest amount (0.01 per cent of the weight of a frozen fry to be exact) is used to get that golden crunch every time. In 2021, Macca’s spent $175 million on ingredients from NZ’s primary industries which included 11,819 tonnes of potatoes made into French fries and we’ll be getting the 2022 numbers in the next month or so.

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This is THE investigative journalism we need right now x

Interesting and informative, LOVE to see it Ronnie!

Can’t wait for the next investigation 🍟

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Great work - there is another secret to the fries, they are brined in a sugar water (at the factory before they’re frozen and sent). During lock down we researched our favourite take-outs and tried to recreate them from scratch. We did fries and Big Macs and man they were good.

I get you on the old food disorders with neurodivergent kids. We’ve very recently had an adhd diagnosis with our 13yo and are in the process of exploring other issues. The food issue is a relatively new one as she went from having an “excellent” relationship with food to now eating only a handful of things. She lost so much weight that I’m now happy to feed her whatever so long as she’s eating - last night it was bread, nuggets, smiley faces ... and frozen peas. It was a big meal for her though so I really care more about that than anything else!!

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Those people who push for Starship Hospital and Dunedin public Hospital ( the only 2 hospitals I know anything about) to be Maccas free need to read this. Totally relate to this…

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Oh that’s infuriating. Really not understanding your privilege to be pushing for that.

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Please don’t misunderstand me - there is something so predictable and delicious about Maccas chips- which is exactly what one needs when stressed and tired. Alas, there are those who think that because they are not ‘healthy ‘ food, Maccas should not be for sale in hospital food courts.

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Don't worry I get what you were saying. I meant whoever who is doing that doesn't get their privilege. I am a huge hater of hospital food. In particular Wishbone which is wildly expensive and tastes like crap lol.

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It’s crazy that the food that they sell in hospitals is policed so much when the food they serve patients is so dire.

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Excellent interview Ronnie, great questions! I really like to dip my McDonald chips into a chocolate sundae, yum.

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Chips dipped in icecream in an underrated delight. I remember feeling legit genius when I discovered this as a kid!

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Particularly when they’re fresh and really salty...so good!

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Very much enjoyed the interview, it was top notch. I am hungry now though.

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If you know you know, indeed... ❤️

That was an excellent set of reporting questions, covered all the major issues in chip/fries-related delivery, thanks. 10/10 reporting.

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Thank you for this most wholesome of content.

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I remember reading an article that said you needed to eat the fries within 6 minutes for them to taste their best. I can't find the article but did find this one which is also interesting:


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What a lovely read. Your love for your children shines through in every word. I must try those chips.🙂🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇳🇿

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😍oh that’s such a nice thing to say. Thank you.

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Lou would have loved this! Lou taught me a thing or two about food 1. Food rules are not good at all and 2. ( and here is where Lou might have added something to your investigation) ‘mouth feel’ is a big thing in food pleasure. So with your chips you’ve got the little bit of sandy texture from the salt, the fantastic pop/crunch of fat and then the softish, dough-ish ness of the spud! At least 3 different textures in one bite. This makes for splendid mouth feel 😊

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Yes!! Lou talked to me about mouth feel too. They were a big help for me with Ronnie’s challenges eating!!

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Ronnie well on his way to one of his career options. Or maybe two of them. I have to say, the chips are good.

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Ronnie is a fabulous food critic! What a marvellous article about the perfection of the salted fry! Nothing else beats it. McDs is a favourite in our house for all for the same reason as you and it's reassuring to hear about other neurodiverse Whānau with similar food in the pantry. Up n Go (Chocolate), cheddar shapes, crispy noodles, chicken nuggets and fish bites in the freezer. Shaved ham and cheese slice sandwiches on wholemeal everyday for lunch since 4 years old and don't you dare try and fob any of that fancy smancy mixed grain bread on me coz you know where that's going😂. He loves the sameness. Xxx

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