Jul 22Liked by Emily Writes

This is such a good post. So many people are losing their jobs and the misery and depression is widespread. Cruel that the coalition government, which has no concept or understanding of public service, has purposefully made so many people redundant and stopped many important projects. But even worse is the Ministers' tendency to blame the redundant workers for their situation telling them their work had no value. The latest news of Minister Reti blaming Te Whatu Ora Ministry of Health staff or Minister Simmonds dismissing Te Pukenga staff and implying that their own inefficiency is the cause of the cuts is just mean and dishonest. And very unethical. Why don't they just admit it was all for tax cuts for landlords and to appease their donors.

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Jul 22Liked by Emily Writes

So many projects are being put on the shelf, or cancelled outright. So much good work (and money) wasted, only to need redoing again at greater cost under greater time pressure later.

Do people really believe that all of this work is for no reason, that its all vanity projects or just to keep busy? This work is needed in so many areas, to improve NZ and many people's lives, but sure let's stop it all and cross our fingers that nothing goes wrong in the meantime. Like biosecurity breaches because we stopped MPI projects, like native birds going extinct because we stopped DOC projects, like the Cook Strait ferries breaking down and having no backup plan for freight (oops already happening).

And the fact it's all to line the pockets of the few is infuriating

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Yeah a lot of people have been in touch with me saying this - that the added heartbreak is seeing work they’ve spent so much time on be thrown away.

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Thank you Hilary. It’s cruelty for cruelty’s sake isn’t it? Just awful.

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Jul 22Liked by Emily Writes

Cruel and unnecessary and damaging for everyone and every community affected and for the country. No one seems to be held to account. Ministers rarely front in the media and if they do they dismiss their dirty work as 'operational', nothing to do with us.

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It’s really infuriating. They’re cowards.

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Jul 22Liked by Emily Writes

As a person who works at Te Whatu Ora head office I watched today's press conference with a sinking stomach. A couple of months ago it felt like we might be ok because we've had 2 restructures in my area in the past 2 years, so maybe we were through the worst of it. But after today it feels like we are back on the chopping block.

No doubt they will go for the easy wins, cutting people indiscriminately without true understanding of the work. Then once those people are gone, and the others are burnt out, 23yo fresh faced consultants with no real experience will come in at $300/hr to tell everyone who is left how to do their jobs better, before fucking off having wasted more money than if it was left alone in the first place.

And our health care system will not be fixed.

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Jul 23Liked by Emily Writes

I came to comment on this newsletter but everyone here has already said it all so eloquently.

For the budgeting tips/advice - my husband made an incredibly detailed budget template a few years back that enables us to break down every aspect of our incomings and outgoings. It’s not a tip per se but it’s a great tool for tracking when money is tight. I’d be happy to share the template with anyone who would like it.

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It’s so easy to see what will happen. Absolutely so gutting.

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Jul 22Liked by Emily Writes

Emily this is so timely, I’m about to be one of these people (because apparently the private sector is going to fix the housing crisis and get everyone on the social housing list into homes). It’s a real waste of a seriously cool programme that was delivering new warm and dry houses at speed and my colleagues are hurting badly.

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I’m so sorry Katie ❤️

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Jul 22Liked by Emily Writes

Thank you ❤️ hope National are mad that I’m not sorry for being the “back room bloat” because we got a lot of houses built around the motu and I’m thankful for that chance in my career ❤️

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Jul 22Liked by Emily Writes

This is excellent Emily.

We should also add to this RAIN is also useful to process emotions relating to survivor guilt. You are not responsible for surviving. And this does not make you complicit in the decisions others have made that impact others around you.

Love that you open up conversations like this. So important. Timely yes, and more just so important to say it like it is.

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Jul 22Liked by Emily Writes

Thanks Emily, I lost my job in the last national government and it was devastating. I loved my work. The good news is I did eventually find a new job. For people worrying, I believe there will be jobs added as the government decides it wants to do something new but doesn't have enough people.

I have taken voluntary redundancy this time, so I can use the payout to take a breather and think about what next. I am feeling massively guilty about the hole I am leaving as a senior person in my team though

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Emily. I would like to know what the people who have listened to their jobs are living on? We need accounts.

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I don’t follow? Can you explain what you mean?

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