Thanks for encouraging people to submit on the gender affirming care bill. My 14 year old family member has just received their first dose of puberty blocker. It took almost a year to access, three endocrinology specialist appointments, a mental health assessment, and three GP consultations. We have a much happier and more relaxed teenager. (I cannot understand why public submissions are even being sought on an issue that affects around 100 young people! But we do need support, please!)
Exactly!!!!!!! Treatment has been a lifesaver for my girl. The fact that there’s so much misguided fear around this issue means it should between our kids, us, and their health support. Not the bloody public!
Yes!!!! It really does boil down to that. Lily cut herself, and starved herself, in her desperation to try and alleviate some of the pain of just not feeling right. Getting her the help and support she needed to be her true self was vital. If anything changes, we will rise up and protect our children with a ferocity of which won’t have been seen before.
good on you......100%......sound the warning bell......ffs.......dodgy tactics.....get whole interest groups enmasse to write in the hundreds.....inundate......get on other many other watchdogs are baying....???? .....people are being divided in the who is uniting...???....I quadrupled my donation for this year.......keep up the great work
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! I was so focused on crafting a cohesive submission to the Regulatory Standards Bill that I almost overlooked the Oranga Tamariki Amendment Bill! I realised I am very well-placed to comment on this as I have years of experience teaching the exact kids this bill is aimed at as well as doing volunteer work with adult prisoners, so I understand the issues and the environment well and what actually needs to be addressed. Your outline was great because that made it much easier and faster for me to lay out my case. Many thanks Emily!! 🙏
Thank you so much. I was feeling some angst about this, and didn't know where to start. So now I've done my submissions, and I'll share this as well! Thanks again.
Thank you! And not that I want to add to the consultation fatigue, but there is also consultation on charging access to public conservation land (due 28 Feb 2025)
Excellent timing - my plan for today was already for doing subs on treaty and regulatory bills so it's straight forward to add the other two now. You've made it all alot easier!
Wellington's shite weather is also playing ball keeping me snuggled inside.
Thank you so much for this! My job for today was already to make these submissions (I'd missed the bootcamps one), and this has made my thinking process so much easier.
Also - for people who are looking into the detail on the Treaty submission, the link to the Regulatory Impact Statement is broken. The direct link is here:
Thanks Emily, this email was my final push to get into action. Then I got my partner to do it. Then my friend turned up and I made her do it too. Suck on that one Seymour.
Great stuff. Thanks Emily. It is deeply troubling that these submissions are over the holiday time. I think the Ministry of Regulation should stop submissions being put out at the time of the year when just about everybody is looking after kids, relations, trying to make ends meet, feeding everyone and generally making time for fam and friends. But oh wait, the Ministry folks are on holiday too! I didn't know about the other bills being pushed through by this delinquent Govt but it should be no surprise. It's not very democratic though! I said that at the Fast Track verbal sub and the chair (I think it was Dan Bidois of the Nats) said but we were voted in with this mandate. And I replied but the ones pushing this only got a small percentage of the vote and true democracy means asking experts, looking at research and consulting those who actually are on the ground working with the environment and people. I think he was quite taken aback. I hope so! Well done everyone who is submitting against this. I think an oral or verbal submission is really useful too!
Thanks so much for this! I have made a note of this for my oral submissions in case I get a similar load of rubbish from the Chair. I don't think Dan understands what it means to govern as an elected representative in a modern representative democracy, and that is probably the case for most N-ACT & NZ First MPs. My observation is that they often misunderstand the difference between governance and management and veer into management more often than they should. Also, when listening to submitters, it is far better to ask questions that you know the answer to after identifying who is sympathetic to your political persuasion; otherwise, you are likely to score an own goal as Dan did with you. He would have been better off thanking you for your time, and letting the left-wing MPs question you, but I'm glad you taught him a lesson. It probably won't stick, though, as he has definitely drunk the N-ACT Koolaid...
Thanks Emily. I had already submitted on Treaty.
You made it easy for me to submit on the other three. Please keep helping us out with any bill we have to comment on/ object to.
Thanks for encouraging people to submit on the gender affirming care bill. My 14 year old family member has just received their first dose of puberty blocker. It took almost a year to access, three endocrinology specialist appointments, a mental health assessment, and three GP consultations. We have a much happier and more relaxed teenager. (I cannot understand why public submissions are even being sought on an issue that affects around 100 young people! But we do need support, please!)
Exactly!!!!!!! Treatment has been a lifesaver for my girl. The fact that there’s so much misguided fear around this issue means it should between our kids, us, and their health support. Not the bloody public!
100%. It’s a lifesaver. Another mum told me “we either have a live, happy, daughter, or a dead son. It’s not a difficult choice “
Yes!!!! It really does boil down to that. Lily cut herself, and starved herself, in her desperation to try and alleviate some of the pain of just not feeling right. Getting her the help and support she needed to be her true self was vital. If anything changes, we will rise up and protect our children with a ferocity of which won’t have been seen before.
My heart aches for the children who don’t have the support of their families.
Yes! And another reason for support to be as easy as possible for kids to access.
good on you......100%......sound the warning bell......ffs.......dodgy tactics.....get whole interest groups enmasse to write in the hundreds.....inundate......get on other many other watchdogs are baying....???? .....people are being divided in the who is uniting...???....I quadrupled my donation for this year.......keep up the great work
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! I was so focused on crafting a cohesive submission to the Regulatory Standards Bill that I almost overlooked the Oranga Tamariki Amendment Bill! I realised I am very well-placed to comment on this as I have years of experience teaching the exact kids this bill is aimed at as well as doing volunteer work with adult prisoners, so I understand the issues and the environment well and what actually needs to be addressed. Your outline was great because that made it much easier and faster for me to lay out my case. Many thanks Emily!! 🙏
Thank you so much. I was feeling some angst about this, and didn't know where to start. So now I've done my submissions, and I'll share this as well! Thanks again.
Thank you! And not that I want to add to the consultation fatigue, but there is also consultation on charging access to public conservation land (due 28 Feb 2025)
oh thank you! I'll look into this!
Also the Social Security Amendment Bill due 10 January which forces all sorts of horrible compliances and sanctions on beneficiaries whose lives are already complicated and vulnerable enough. The really nasty face of this Government.
Thanks, also done.
Excellent timing - my plan for today was already for doing subs on treaty and regulatory bills so it's straight forward to add the other two now. You've made it all alot easier!
Wellington's shite weather is also playing ball keeping me snuggled inside.
Thank you so much for this! My job for today was already to make these submissions (I'd missed the bootcamps one), and this has made my thinking process so much easier.
Also - for people who are looking into the detail on the Treaty submission, the link to the Regulatory Impact Statement is broken. The direct link is here:
(I have complained to the online team, but they aren't back in the office until tomorrow!)
Thanks Emily, this email was my final push to get into action. Then I got my partner to do it. Then my friend turned up and I made her do it too. Suck on that one Seymour.
Thank you so much for this!
Thank you for making this easy!
Great stuff. Thanks Emily. It is deeply troubling that these submissions are over the holiday time. I think the Ministry of Regulation should stop submissions being put out at the time of the year when just about everybody is looking after kids, relations, trying to make ends meet, feeding everyone and generally making time for fam and friends. But oh wait, the Ministry folks are on holiday too! I didn't know about the other bills being pushed through by this delinquent Govt but it should be no surprise. It's not very democratic though! I said that at the Fast Track verbal sub and the chair (I think it was Dan Bidois of the Nats) said but we were voted in with this mandate. And I replied but the ones pushing this only got a small percentage of the vote and true democracy means asking experts, looking at research and consulting those who actually are on the ground working with the environment and people. I think he was quite taken aback. I hope so! Well done everyone who is submitting against this. I think an oral or verbal submission is really useful too!
Thanks so much for this! I have made a note of this for my oral submissions in case I get a similar load of rubbish from the Chair. I don't think Dan understands what it means to govern as an elected representative in a modern representative democracy, and that is probably the case for most N-ACT & NZ First MPs. My observation is that they often misunderstand the difference between governance and management and veer into management more often than they should. Also, when listening to submitters, it is far better to ask questions that you know the answer to after identifying who is sympathetic to your political persuasion; otherwise, you are likely to score an own goal as Dan did with you. He would have been better off thanking you for your time, and letting the left-wing MPs question you, but I'm glad you taught him a lesson. It probably won't stick, though, as he has definitely drunk the N-ACT Koolaid...
Just did mine, thanks for all of your mahi Emily
Thank you so much for putting this together Emily, it is so appreciated!!
Just did my submissions ❤️
Very helpful, thanks Emily. 🤗