You’re a legend. Thank you for this. My partner and I (both trans) have been immobilised by the attack in Colorado. I’m going to work through your list this week. I know it will make a difference for my peers but I also know I need to reach outwards to keep going. This is a great way to do just that ❤️

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❤️ arohanui e hoa x

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WTF! People will be too lazy to finger prick to test if they had a CGM? THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT! Sheesh, were they at least educated at that point? Can someone get them to prick their fingers multiple times a day? I'm livid 😡

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I know! It’s bizarre eh?

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Thank you Emily! Also, on the subject of corrections, please can everyone listen to this podcast, True Justice, and share, share, share. Made over several years and giving intimate insight into why the justice system is literally (I mean literally!) *incapable* of delivering justice. Like, I can’t stress how important this podcast is in the context of the next wave of National’s boot camps and tough on crime ideology resurgence. People would not believe what goes on inside prisons supposedly in our name, and how much worse off we are as a result of them - https://open.spotify.com/show/21vDpqqaH53knHGaWXuX5d?si=hxVy2KPBT4eNgIKl9Rr6EQ

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Yes absolutely- such a great podcast, I supported the PledgeMe to start it. JustSpeak do such great work. PAPA too!

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Kia ora,

Thank you so much for this, as a queer trans person, your writing touched my heart. Thank you for continuing to help educate people and pointing them to fantastic resources like gender minorities. I am only just coming to terms with my gender identity and expression and yes to love not hate. Thank you again.

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Arohanui e hoa x always x

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I love this! Thank you for sharing these amazing resources!

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Brilliant sentiments, thank you for your column.

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Somewhere I read about safe nights at women’s refuge - I just had a text to say the night I donated last week through you alerting me to the how and why- had already been used

Oh my god

That quick !!

I imagined it banked for a time ahead

Thanks for the heads up

Not being glib here

I will donate again


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I had completely been tuned out of news for the last couple of days and missed the terrible news from Colorado. Thank you for sharing this and those great resources.

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