I've been thinking about this lately.. I actually wrote a bit of a poem:

You are fighting for your right to choose

For body autonomy

You want to prevent a zygote from becoming

A life long burden

And for penises to stop entering your DMs

And your body


You think getting vaccinated is just one more thing

To take a stand against

But you're mistaken

Getting vaccinated is taking back the power from the real invader

The virus doesn't respect your body autonomy

It doesn't ask for consent

Choosing the vaccine is saying NO to letting the virus enter you


Ripping through your cells

Causing havoc to your body and mind

It's protecting you from forcing this angel of death

On other people

Taking away

Their choice

Their right

To live

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Thank you so much for writing this. I can't easily articulate my feelings and thoughts the way you can, so reading this was the release I needed!

It feels as though the anti-vax voices have taken over social media and no one can be bothered to fight back, the ones that do are countered with more bullshit and hostility.

The first week of the traffic light system was unbearable in retail, I can't begin to imagine how it has been for hospitality. We didn't enforce vaccine passes but got strict on mask wearing. You would think we were asking some customers to set themselves on fire. I need to remind myself that they are a small but very loud minority, most of us are doing the right thing and just getting on with life.

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Thank you for reminding us that we are for the most part united in keeping each other safe. I truly despair sometimes but at least they’re in the minority.

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God this is so good Emily. I swear if I see yet another anti-vaxxer refer to themselves as Enlightened (always with a capital E), I’m dunno if my faith in humanity will ever make a return.

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Thank you so much Emily, for (as always) so eloquently and succinctly expressing all and every one one of my thoughts and feelings of sadness, anger and frustration about this.

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I love this so much! I’m also so over the bleating of people who are surprised by having to live with their decision not to get vaccinated. I feel sorry for them for being deluded, though. And I do feel really sorry for their kids. I was thinking about this yesterday because one of my son’s friends has an anti-vax mother. Imagine how crappy a summer he and his sister will have! Can’t go to the movies, can’t go to a café, and go to a library or a public pool here in Auckland, can leave town with a negative test - but to do what? Can’t stay in many places. That mum has condemned her kids to a permanent L3 lockdown.

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Hear hear! Here (In Melbourne) people are bleating about the poor little kids whose parents can't come to their school concerts /end of year events - poor kids but it's their parents who have chosen this for them, not the mandates to try and keep vulnerable kids safe.

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‘Write on’ Emily. 3 cheers for this beaut rant. RIGHT ON!

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Eloquent and powerful and thorough. Best anyone has put it.

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And we are supposed to feel sorry for the likes of that anaesthetic tech in Northland who was whinging on the news about how because he was exercising his 'personal choice' to not get vaccinated he was going to have to sign up for the dole!? In a just world, you wouldn't be able to access taxpayer monies to support you just because you chose to endanger those around you. I'm not surprised his colleagues gave him a hard time.

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Thank you for posting about the yoga studio owner: I used to go there until she posted that…

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I’m angry. I’ve had the third vaccination a couple of weeks ago given to those who are severely immunosuppressed/ chronically ill. People complaining that they are being discriminated against because they can’t go places? - Those same people have no problem with people like me sheltering at home for as long as this lasts. I have my own tiny business and had to look at giving that up, at this stage I haven’t, but it’s nothing compared to dying. They want to know what it’s like gasping for breath in hospital trying to stay alive? Because I can tell them in graphic awful detail (38% lung function currently).

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Thank you so much for this, Emily! It's like everything I have thought about this situation, but said much more articulately. I completely agree with who you can sympathize with and the ones you can't. It is unfuriating.

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Thank you Emily - wonderfully written

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I lost it at someone (white, of course) who said that the unvaxxed are the new black people. I've also seen vaccine mandates called medical rape. The bottom has well and truly fallen out.

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Superbly written.

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Perfect. Thank you so much.

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