Sep 9Liked by Emily Writes

I’m left wondering why isn’t it called MormTok 🤔

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Omg so much lol

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Very entertaining. Thanks, Emily.

Perhaps I'm showing my age, but these days I spend more and more time reading books and searching articles.

So I very much appreciate your amusing take of these modern day comedies - so much better than the real thing!

Reminds me of when South Park first appeared, but had not yet been released in Aotearoa New Zealand.

A sister living in America uses to write long emails that included her retelling entire episodes.

When I did finally see South Park I found it amusing, but not nearly as funny as my sister's email episodes. 📧 😂

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Haha love this. I remember when South Park came to NZ with the movie and I snuck in with a friend because I think it was rated M15 or something. We just sat there like😳😳😳at all the uncle fucker jokes 😅

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I was once "invited" to see my child's classroom teacher, when they were caught out quoting Cartman to entertain their classmates 🫣

Like aunt, like nibling....

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Sep 9Liked by Emily Writes

Sounds like I'm not missing anything by avoiding this "secret", but thanks for the summary in case it comes up in conversation sometime! At least I'll be up on what MomTok is 🫢

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The more you know! 😂

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Sep 9Liked by Emily Writes

Thank goodness you summarised because I got 20 mins into episode one and my brain ceased activating from the dullness of it all. Why do they all look exactly the same?!

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The biggest sin is how dull it is lol

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Sep 10Liked by Emily Writes

This is exactly what I came to say! I watched I think the whole first episode ( in bits because the voices that emit from those gaping yet puffed up mouths make me want to stab myself in the ears) and could not figure out what was going on or why anyone was upset. Except the footage of the main tiny lady being arrested where she just looked devo, that made me sad. What a mess of a life. These huge houses full of single use rubbish, nothing old or interesting or with a story behind it. No one has a hobby or a collection or reads a book. It's so empty.

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Sep 9Liked by Emily Writes

Thanks for the heads up Emily. I have a feeling this is one my husband would try to get me to watch and as I've just made it through an entire season of Love is Blind UK it'll be a hard pass from me on this one. I'll for sure still watch Below Deck every week though just to hear Ayesha say 'that's amazing' in the most kiwi accent I've ever heard. 😆😆😆

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I still haven’t seen Below Deck!

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Sep 9Liked by Emily Writes

You haven't lived!

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Sep 10Liked by Emily Writes

Below Deck is my fave! Especially when Ayesha is on 🤣

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Sep 9Liked by Emily Writes

Wow! I had no idea Mormon wives and secret lives 🤣

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Sep 9Liked by Emily Writes

Oh fuck, typo 🤣🫣

But good on them 🤣

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Sep 14Liked by Emily Writes

Oh god I put this on the other day after seeing an influencer I follow say it was amazing. Well. It wasn't and by the time we got to Head Mom driving her disappointed mum and revealing her pregnancy I hit the off switch. I don't need to see more...and I totally understand why the influencer loved it cos her brain is likely just as vapid and it's #goals for her to have that life. 🤣

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Sep 13Liked by Emily Writes

I have seen bits and pieces of this on Tiktok and even though my brain is basically rotted already from social media and reality TV even I can't bring myself to watch it.

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It's not worth watching!

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Sep 9Liked by Emily Writes

Well. You've just saved me $20 cos I was about to reactivate the old Disney+ account to give it a whirl. I won't be doing that now. Appreciate you 💖

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Sep 11Liked by Emily Writes

If you want to see something about Mormons for free, which probably represents the norm a little better (is there a norm for Mormons?), the documentary The Mormons are Coming is on TVNZ. I really enjoyed it!

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Oh I will check this out thanks!

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Definitely not worth it. It won’t have the staying power of something like Selling Sunseg which is its spiritual cousin.

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