Aug 14Edited

I don't know how you found the strength to write all this down, as it brought me to tears/nausea to read it. Thank you. You did an outstanding job summarising this, and it's absolutely sickening to read. I feel very helpless and despondent. Thanks for keeping up the fight, I'm really grateful you do.

One more thing! A while ago you posted a piece with links with great places to support (if you can) with donations. With everything burning, it's hard to know how to choose where to put something if you have it to give, so if there are suggestions you could make, particularly to communities in this post, I'd be very grateful.

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It brought me to tears to, they're tears of frustration and rage, it is incomprehensible that people voted for this shit although I don't believe any of the CoC parties have a mandate for what they're doing. I really hate that there are kiwis out there who will think it's all good because they're okay, the kind who are always first to hold their hand out for their share.

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I can definitely pull together some resources ♥️ on Monday I published the latest list of things we can do for the community though it's not specific to the disability community. We raised $5k for Star Jam they're an amazing organisation in great need https://www.starjam.org

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Thanks Emily for doing the work of compiling all the cuts. There can be no gaslighting us all now that this is not an austerity Government.

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Austerity and inequity. A nauseating hybrid.

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All the assistance for people that has been proven to make a difference is being stolen away through total indifference by this coalition, none of the funding was just given by previous governments, it was hard fought for by people that care for disabled. To see your list makes me angry.

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I hate this government SO MUCH 🤬

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It's all so fucked.

Thank you so much for sharing an incredible amount of knowledge with links so its easy for us to see

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Totally concur with JP’s comment. Sickening to read. Blow after blow raining down on those often least able to stand (literally) up and shout NO! I can feel your rage. And it is totally justified. I don’t think we can endure another 2 years of this destructive arrogance. Luxon couldn’t tell Ingrid Hipkiss on morning report what a person on the Job Seeker would receive weekly. He doesn’t know, doesn’t care. He says he runs NZ like a business. Well, fire him. He’s fucking failing at it.

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This is a comprehensive and very distressing summary, thanks Emily. As well, charter schools, which can choose not to enrol disabled kids, can now take precious learning support resources from public education. And a few survivors of state torture resulting in ptsd and physical impairment, have been offered a tiny and final pittance. Eugenic attitudes from the coalition government underpin all this horror. We will fight back!

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oh Emily. I cannot 'like" this, it is gut twistingly horrible. but thank you, from a old woman, almost weeping in anger; but, not yet in despair . We will, we must be heard, for a better future for our lovely vulnerable ones.

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🤬🥹😢 I just did a big rant & lost it when I got kicked out of the screen for some reason - probably just as well!

I ended with - WHEN DO WE MARCH? If not now, then WHEN? If not us, then WHO?

I mean a combined "F... U! govt" march with Maori, Disabled, Beneficiaries, Health workers, Educators, Students, Environmentalists, Animal Rights, Gun safety, &... &... & .... ALL OF US, EVERYWHERE, ALL AT ONCE!

I'm not an organiser, but plenty of us would support by turning up & networking amongst our groups - "build it & we will come ..."

It seems they think they can pick different sectors off & distract them from caring about what is happening to others, but all of this affects everyone in some way - we are all connected either directly or indirectly through dealing with the fall out of all of this anti-humanity anti-fairness anti-logic BS from the people who are supposed to govern for GOOD!

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I'm onto my I dunno 30th march of the year - I don't think they care at all.

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the sad reality is that those of us impacted by these cuts are too tired (mentally and physically) to march. It's the scariest thing feeling defeated after so many years of fighting to uphold something as precious as human rights for disabled people and their whānau.

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Absolutely understand that - but wouldn't you and others feel a bit less hopeless if the rest of us did on your behalf? Showed that we see you & want to work to, if not change the mind of THIS govt, show the opposition parties where their focus should be if they want to regain the Treasury benches & what the priorities of "THE PEOPLE" are? And of course not just march, but also do practical things in our communities to make a difference NOW!

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It would actually feel amazing to know that other people were marching on our behalf. 💜💜💜

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Yeah, but if 10,000s or 100,000s marched on parliament they couldn’t pretend it didn’t happen. Kia kaha. That protest will happen. Peaceful but fiery in the best way. .

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I’ll be there. Moving to Lower Hutt in October. The Wellington Girls’ High students occupation of parliament’s lawn gave me heart yesterday. Turned it into their open air classroom. Green Party came to talk to them. Didn’t hear that anyone from NACT could be bothered. These young women, organised, articulate, passionate. Follow their lead.

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We are all looking for leaders aren’t we. It is hard to put up your hand and say ´I’ll lead. Follow me. ‘

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My autistic son has been on a waiting list since a referral in May 2023. In April 2024, I made contact to see how that list was going. "No news," was essentially the reply there. Recently a person closer to the system made an enquiry on our behalf and they were told that there isn't a paediatrician, and because of the hiring freeze (their words) they haven't been able to get one, but have someone lined up for Aug/Sept and my boy is close to the top of the list so it shouldn't be too much longer.

That's fiiiiine. The referral was made when he was 2.5 years into his primary school education, and now he's 3.75 years in, so fully a third of his primary school education has been without the extra insight and possibly support and engagement strategies I was hoping to access, all because there's been a list, and nobody actually working on making it any shorter for god knows how long. It's only his life and future being compromised 🤷

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It's so upsetting. So many people stuck in a broken system.

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Maybe there's a landlord somewhere with a 3rd boat that can do the diagnosis instead.

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Omg this made me cry on the bus on the way home. Seeing this in one place is devastating. thank you for collating though as devastating as it is maybe just maybe if we all share it we will change some people to start seeing the impact of their voting choices!!! Argh …..moving onto anger ;)

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Emily, I really respect Emily writes research personal experience and reporting. Thank you

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Sickening in every way possible

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Depressingly ironic that this announcement will come on the eve of the Paralympics - one of more high profile demonstrations of just some of the things people with disabilities can achieve when they have appropriate support

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So true.

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I have donated $50 to Starjam. It looks fantastic. I encourage all your other readers who can to look at their site and donate.

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Strarjam are wonderful ❤️

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So fucking awful. All written down in one place is just 🤯😓

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