Thank you for reporting in this - is there anything that we can do to try and keep this facility open and available? This is such a huge loss to the community, I know that if the issue is money, is be more than happy to donate or help fundraise?

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Follow the updates about Te Awakairangi and fight to keep it. You can sign this petition to send a message to the DHB and the government to fund the Te Awakairangi Birthing Centre at Melling. https://chrisbishop.national.org.nz/saveourbirthingcentre

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Agree with Jazz. I’ve been asked this a lot. My best limited advice is to make noise - contact the local MPs - Ginny Anderson and Chris Bishop and contact MPs. Be loud. Support midwives with their strike action. Demand better maternal healthcare that’s accessible for all.

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Hi Emily, I'm a big believer in following the money when it comes to services being cut. Do you think a hospital birth costs less than a primary care or home birth?

My own birth experience at middlemore I suspect was an expensive event. Anesthesiologists, at least 8 people checking out my bits as my son came out and occupying a delivery room for 20 hours can't have come cheap but what do you know about the cost of home birth vs primary birthing centre vs hospital?

If I choose to do it again, I'd prefer a primary care unit. I just wasn't convinced the medical interventions were necessary and telling one of the doctors how good looking he was at 32 hours deep wasn't my proudest moment.

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What can we do to stop this? This would be absolutely devastating, the hospital is scarily under staffed

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I’ve been asked this a lot. My best limited advice is to make noise - contact the local MPs - Ginny Anderson and Chris Bishop and contact MPs. Be loud. Support midwives with their strike action. Demand better maternal healthcare that’s accessible for all.

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I shared this with my first year midwifery cohort. Oddly enough, today’s lecture revolved around place of birth and how important primary facilities are and what a difference they make to birthing people’s health and happiness.

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The te papaioea birthing centre (palmy) is in a similar situation :( taken over by the DHB last year, they now don't have the staff to keep it open. Women can birth there between 9- 5 ( ludicrous) or at other times if their midwife and her back up are available...... but they can't stay there after the birth.

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