Oooh you should reshare this in December so people don't end up with more Little Yellow Godforsaken Digger (which is great, I've just read it 57,000 times).

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Thank you so much for this - what an incredible list! I’m not a parent but have important kids in my life - and this will be so useful for my mahi, too! Bookmarking this and will start making my way through x

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Looking up on library catalogue - house of her own now published as Audrey's tree house / by Jenny Hughes ; illustrated by Jonathan Bentley xx

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Thank you so much for this list. I have a 2.5yo and a 5mo and our favourite book right now is “in my heart: a book of feelings” by Jo Witek. It’s absolutely beautiful and has helped my 2yo articulate his heart. “Heart feels happy!” “Heart feels angry- hot and loud!” He also adores the Lorax. I’ve started with Fight Like a Girl and next up is Boys will be Boys. I haven’t bought your books yet but I am keen to- and since I’m here- where can we buy from that gets you the most $?

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Amazing resource thank you so much for all your mahi on this Emily!

Also I didn’t think anyone else could love Kissed By The Moon as much as me 🥹❤️

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Also my sister just handed down ‘What Should Danny Do?’ It’s about your ‘power to choose’ being your superpower and it can change your day. It’s sort of like a ‘choose your own adventure’ as wise and helpful, kind choices lead to a happier day and not great choices lead to cleaning your room etc.

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Hi Em. I dug back through my emails to find this as I’d sent it to family at the time. My boy is almost 6 and is suddenly very fixated on gender and trying to figure it out. We have a 4 year old cousin who has gender dysmorphia and that question has been coming up and I want to have some books to help Niko understand it.

Best recommendation for that?

I think Julian is a Mermaid you mentioned looked very sweet so I’ll got to our local bookshop today and put some orders in. Thanks for all you do.

I’m readying needs adult supervision in the bath currently and I really enjoyed the line about how your sleep deprivation has scuppered your anxiety as you can’t remember shit. Perfect.

Also how the boys got their back packs and survival skills out to walk 3 minutes to school. GOLD xx

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Thanks so much for this! I already own Boys Will Be Boys so I will start with that. And I can’t tell you how good it feels to hear someone actively dispromoting mr ejaculating rocket ship. I will work my way through this list. Xx

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Thanks for this! 🙌

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Thanks for this list, it's wonderful! I find it interesting, but perhaps inevitable, that some of the books we thought highly of a couple of decades ago do not really serve us as well now our young people face new, and in some cases, wicked challenges. Many of these challenges are centered around technology and the need for critical thinking (I can see how the Kendi book would be helpful in that respect). I'd be interested if you find any of particular interest as those are issues for older boys in particular. Of course though the Lorax is forever!

It's not everybody's cup of tea and is American and by a therapist, but I quite enjoyed "Pride and Joy" by Kenneth Barish. His descriptions of how children have "projects" was a reminder we need to treat them as individuals with their own interests, interests which may not necessarily overlap (or even be comprehensible) to their parents but have a genuine validity and need to nurtured and treated with respect.

And finally - my totally unscientific survey of my son and his friends is that those young boys who were kind and loving to pets, especially cats for some reason, seemed to grow into kind and gentle young men!

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I had to comment again and recommend this lift-the-flap book about racism too. It's amazing and should be compulsory reading in all schools. https://usborne.com/nz/lift-the-flap-questions-and-answers-about-racism-9781474995825

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This is a wonderful list. I have twin boys and will definitely be ordering some of these right after I post this. I'd love to send you a copy of my children's book, The Little Tiger with the Big Temper, which teaches adults and children simple mindfulness and self-regulation skills, as well as outlining a neuroscience-approved coping strategy adults can use to navigate a child's big feelings. It stems from my personal experiences with prenatal depression and well... not coping all that well with my boys' big feelings. I wanted to do better by my kids and I needed to practice, so I figured knowing a story off by heart would help me in those frazzled moments when everyone was shouting and I couldn't think straight. It's helped me hugely and the incredible feedback I've had from families is that it's helping them too. :) It's best for ages 3-8. You can take a look at www.thelittletigerwiththebigtemper.com if you're interested. Please let me know if you'd like a copy.

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I love Elise Gravel's inclusive sweet books (she is Canadian) - and she also does great free printable posters on lots of topics http://elisegravel.com/en/blog/boys-can-be/. I used to find these great to put up in the library where I worked, and the gentle kids really loved them :)

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Thanks do much for this amazing resource. I've just ordered 3 of the recommended titles for my girls and also something for myself - my actual own copy of Rants in the Dark (I read a library copy years ago and have always intended to purchase, finally made good!)

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Thank you!!!! ❤️

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And the Rachel Brian book has a slightly different title for some reason. Consent (for kids!) : boundaries, respect, and being in charge of you / Rachel Brian

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