Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

Maybe there is an opportunity for Duolingo to come to our rescue. Including emojis as well.

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I would sign this petition and/or participate in this crowd-funding.

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

Studied this like notes for an exam in a desperate attempt to remain relevant.

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

Okay, so, gyat, i had previously understood it to be specifically used for a (big) butt you find attractive, but then I witnessed it's use!

Some friends were carrying a mattress up some stairs and I stood at the bottom of the stairs, with their almost-teen, looking up at them, they specifically looking directly at the butt of one of them.

The almost-tween then suddenly squawked "gggGGYAAAAAtttt" about their parent's ass, so I suspect that it is merely the butt's PRESENCE that is key rather than any attraction to that butt.

Here ends my field report on Youth Slang.

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I was told it’s the number of Tttts but tbh if you’re saying Gyatt at a parent’s butt it must be any butt 😂

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

Love the post and had a giggle with my girl (11) about these things. She uses a lot of them (following the tween pack) but is l clueless about what most of them mean. She is neurodivergent and a deep thinker who takes things very literally and she finds it very hard to understand and interact with this stuff (also we don’t TikTok)… curious on any thoughts you have of neurodivergence and it interacts with this often empty slang phenomena…

Also… furry has become a very painful word in our house! My girl likes to wear animal features as part of her look (ears/tail) - she’s ha her own style - very creative and artistic and also very sensitive. She is often called “furry” by kids at school (even friends) and it’s said in a mocking or in a derogatory way. She has really struggled to understand what they mean by it (she likes to work with literal meanings and facts) but she absolutely understands the insinuation that she’s being identified and exposed at as some sort of social “deviant” or something. I feel gutted her innocent expression of herself has led to her confidence and self esteem being knocked. “Furry” may be a piss take in its essence but when it’s being used to bully or make someone doubt themself it’s just shit.

Sorry rant over. I’m a confused mum of three in a tween world that defies understanding!! Thank you so much for unpacking it for us!

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It’s so hard! We have banned Sigma in the house because it upsets my ND youngest - he doesn’t like that it’s not the correct usage. Now Eddie and his friends say Sigama instead 🫠 but that is fine with Hammy. I feel for your daughter - there’s so much low level bullying. Emo as an insult is making a comeback and my eldest gets called that. It’s very distressing eh? For them and us. I wish I had some answers!

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My 15yr olds (neurodivergent twins) always wore cat ear headbands etc, and sound a lot like your daughter. I just want to say that they have their neurodivergent gang (either diagnosed or not) now that are like them, they are currently knitting cute cat ear beanies for their friends over the holidays (owning it) and laugh along with their English teacher that the Alphas don't know that rizz comes from charisma ;) it's so hard but she will find her people - in the meantime hold her close (and don't get social media - I honestly believe that's why mine made it through those middle school years - they couldn't be bullied online if they weren't online!). Hugs.

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Owning it…! It’s absolutely the way, so happy to hear your kids have such a supportive crew - navigating the choppy waters of youth is HARD!

Fortunately my girl has discovered the power of the open ended “…and…?” to respond to attempts at bullying and it leaves them stumped - they tend to leave her alone after that! As always bully’s are looking for a rise or a response, give them none and they have nothing to work with!

(I overheard an interaction with a neighbour who said “why do you have a tail” to which she breezily replied “cos why not?”).

Solidarity mama, having the ability, willingness and support to be oneself is a life skill, long may our babies carry that through with them!

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

"Merely calling it ‘our’ birth story sends him into a cringe spiral." 😂😂

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

This reminded me that a few weeks ago I overheard some tweens at the supermarket laughing at what I guessed was one of their teachers social media accounts, and one of them said, “It’s so millennial-coded.” I couldn’t stop thinking about their media literacy and also what does that mean haha

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🤣🤣 oh lord

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

I asked on a school trip last week for the kids to explain what “what the sigma” means. They tried. Five mins later I’m still clueless. I can not understand ‘sigma’ within a sentence. I have decided I’m too old. They thought it was hilarious.

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

It makes me so happy that Eddie is the same age as my eldest and that's why your writing is always timely and relevant to my current interests and parenting despairs 😅

I can not with the 4+4. Wait, is "I can not" millenial-coded?!

Should we just start speaking in "I can haz cheezburger" again and embrace the Ohio-ness of it all

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

Ahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!! Emily you are 4+4! I read this to my kids and we pissed our pants! They also agree I am sad/Ohio. Best post ever.

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Haha thank you!

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

Blimey. Is there a slang term for "I just made an old person's head hurt with my slang?" Because. this! ;-)

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

Emily, can you confirm if the youth are still saying “scody”? (I still do but I’m 32) Also I heard that skuxx deluxe was making a comeback but idk I live in Palmy, things are different here

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Oh I love Skody!! Can confirm Skuxx is still in rotation 😂

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

U totes slayed! lol

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

With three teenagers in the house this sounded very familiar, we've had much hilarity over "Rizz".

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

If I have to hear “what the sigma?!” one more time 🤯 and it’s only day 2 of the holidays!

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I know right?!?

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Jul 9Liked by Emily Writes

I don’t even know where to start! I’m so confused right now! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I hear you and feel for you. Mine is 22 and introducing new words to me all the time. He does love to show me stuff from Twitter and TikTok (I’m glad that he talks to me/interacts with me at all) and I have banned “skibidi”:because I am so damn tired of hearing it. Other times I just marvel at how communication changes between groups and across time. He did go through a red pill/blue pill phase and I’m so glad he’s past that. If anyone doesn’t know what it means, do check it out. You do not want that toxic shit in your youth’s brain. And if they are male, it will find them so good to be ready for it so that you can help them navigate choppy and toxic seas.

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Scary stuff in the manosphere eh? Clementine Ford wrote about it in Boys will be Boys - well worth the read.

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